
Today, thousands of Australians seek out the services of a personal trainer because they want to get fit, lose weight, get nutritional and dietary advice, and improve their overall well-being without the risk of injury. There’s just one problem – the average PT out there isn’t qualified to provide all of this.

An average PT is qualified to prescribe exercises only for fit and healthy people, and that’s why the demand for Sage Active Clinic Practitioners is greater than ever before.

At Sage Active, we have Exercise Physiologists, Scientists and qualified Myotherapists to meet the specific needs of our clients.

Exercise and nutrition – you just can’t have one without the other

The benefits of exercise are well known. Adequate nutrition is universally accepted as a part of leading a healthy lifestyle. Combined with physical activity, the correct nutritional plan can help individuals reach and maintain a healthy weight, reduce the risk of chronic diseases (like heart disease and cancer), and promote overall health and well-being. Is it any wonder that leaders in the fitness profession are demanding better qualified graduates who understand more about nutrition and its vital importance in any client’s fitness program?